Throughout all of human history, brave, intellectual, and determined men and women have found worthwhile causes to dedicate their entire lives to in an attempt to make the world a better place. Four consecutive decades of global trial-and-error and raw human capital have been poured into the miracle discovery of BITCOIN which provides humanity, for the first time ever, a universal, apolitical, hard-cap monetary asset through a transparent, predictible 140 year money supply distribution schedule, [finite supply: 21 Million] represented as an internet-native [ BTC ] digital bearer asset, within a completely predictible and transparent distributed public ledger, secured by a decentralized and global monetary network. Post discovery of this miracle innovation, and by design, BITCOIN was released as Free Open-Source Software for all of mankind to utilize and the Bitcoin Network was officially established in a miracle grass roots movement. Today, the Bitcoin Network is often referred to as the world's largest Super-Computer: a massive global network of independent, peaceful, savvy, and honest participants called NODES and MINERS which both support and protect the permissionless public-infrastructure, both the global public ledger; Bitcoin Blockchain and the global computing network itself; Bitcoin Network. The Bitcoin Network represents, and provides all humans with, a fully-functional and competely secure monetary system which operates 24x7x365 without needing to trust or rely on any one central authority or trusted third-party intermediary. In short summary and for clarity, BTC is a revolutionary and apolitical global standard of value and the Bitcoin Network is a global standard for settlement.
Bitcoin is Nobel-Prize worthy invention for Peace, Science, Math and Economics. Welcome to the reinvention of Money. Thank you Satoshi. 03/Jan/2009.
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